Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Observation Week 7

Reading Modeling

Book: Appointment to anction

Decoding the WALT
-non fiction

Looking at the picture and asking if the cars are real or not.

What will we be able to do when we finish reading this book (Success Criteria)

Decoding the title: What do you think we the book is about? (Pre-read)

Contents page: what is a contents page? What does it tell us?
-chn talk about what they think the contents page tells us and where we can find the different stories

Chn read their paragraphs and flip their books over to show that they are ready. They talk about vocabulary and topic words. When they didn't know the answer they got to turn the book back over and have a look.

Throughout the lesson teacher asks literal questions about what they are reading and talk about what certain sentences mean etc. She scaffolds and only gets the children to read paragraphs then allows the chn to read a whole page further into the book.

In the modeling book teacher paraphrases answer instead of writing the whole answer.

At the end of the lesson the chn have done a reflection using faces against the success criteria. They know how well they've done at the end of the lesson.

From this lesson I have recognised the scaffolding the teacher has done while reading the book. I also have noticed how she has decoded the WALT, success criteria and the title. The chn know what they should know by the end of the reading session.

Next learning steps:
- success criteria: what will the chn know when they have finished the end of the guided session?
- predicting: chn discussing the meaning of the title and what we think the story is about based on this information

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