Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Week 8 Observation

Writing Modeling

Teacher has a recount on the board that the children have to finish. Teacher works with one group at a table and the other the teacher works with is at the teaching table.

On the board each teaching group has a list of things they need to include in their writing. Chn demonstrate knowledge of the ICAN sheet and what they need to be successful.

Teacher sits with guided group and tells them the learning intention. The group come up with the success criteria. Chn have already done their plan and they begin to write. Teacher roams the group as they write, giving them feedback and feed forward to improve writing. Feedback is linked to the Success Criteria.

Looking at modeling books: teacher uses the books to model planning with a group, do shared writing with a group and there is a formal assessment section where the children mark whether or not they have used certain features in their writing.

Next steps:
- Write lists with each groups on what they need to include in their writing. This is explicit instruction to help the students be successful.
- carry our formal assessment where the students can tick whether or not they meet the criteria on the list.
- With the lowest group do a shared plan and a shared writing to scaffold their knowledge.

Chnaging teacher practise

Last week I observed a lesson and read chapter one of Alison Davis Building Comprehension Strategies, and this week I put into practice one thing that I picked up from my observation and reading.

Success criteria explicitly state to the children what they need to be able to do to achieve a WALT for a lesson or series of lessons. At the beginning of the lesson it is important to unpack the points of the Success Criteria so that the children have a clear understanding of what they need to do and how to use the strategy. After reading a section of text the teacher should allow for discussion so that the children can apply the appropriate strategies. This also allows for pair share, so that if a child has not understood how to use a strategy, they can gain understanding from someone who can speak in his/her language.

This week I have used Success Criteria to explicitly state what the children needs to do to be successful in the learning intention. We unpacked the WALT and Success Criteria and have found that the child's understanding of what to do and how to use a strategy has become much more clearer. For example; one group was is learning how to re-tell a story. To be successful they understand that there is key language that they must use to be be successful. When re-telling a story in pairs they can identify if a person has not used key language and when they have used the key language.

Tuesday Meeting

Following from the last meeting of reading resources there were a few that I saw I could use in my classroom. Following from this post I will take on resource and use it in my classroom then comment on how it went.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Week 6 observations

During week 6 the person I was observing was sick and due to duty and setting up reliever I did no observation this week.

Included in my Support and Guidance plan is what I did for that day.

Observation Week 7

Reading Modeling

Book: Appointment to anction

Decoding the WALT
-non fiction

Looking at the picture and asking if the cars are real or not.

What will we be able to do when we finish reading this book (Success Criteria)

Decoding the title: What do you think we the book is about? (Pre-read)

Contents page: what is a contents page? What does it tell us?
-chn talk about what they think the contents page tells us and where we can find the different stories

Chn read their paragraphs and flip their books over to show that they are ready. They talk about vocabulary and topic words. When they didn't know the answer they got to turn the book back over and have a look.

Throughout the lesson teacher asks literal questions about what they are reading and talk about what certain sentences mean etc. She scaffolds and only gets the children to read paragraphs then allows the chn to read a whole page further into the book.

In the modeling book teacher paraphrases answer instead of writing the whole answer.

At the end of the lesson the chn have done a reflection using faces against the success criteria. They know how well they've done at the end of the lesson.

From this lesson I have recognised the scaffolding the teacher has done while reading the book. I also have noticed how she has decoded the WALT, success criteria and the title. The chn know what they should know by the end of the reading session.

Next learning steps:
- success criteria: what will the chn know when they have finished the end of the guided session?
- predicting: chn discussing the meaning of the title and what we think the story is about based on this information

Monday, 17 June 2013

New Timetable

We are into the second week of the new timetable.

What I am enjoying about the new timetable is the amount of time I have to deliver lessons. I am not stressed about delivering lessons because I am not focused about how much time I have to do things in.

It is a little difficult having maths in the afternoon. I have tried a couple of things to counter this: having an independent maths activity that the chn do in silence and having our read to with fruit.

I have found that it is important to bring the chn in and settle them down with a nice quite activity to get them focused again.

Bring on the rest of the term!!

Maths Meeting 13/06/13

Just a catch up with Wendy to see were we are at.

At the moment the next step for me is to think about where to move from where I am. So this week I am looking at gaps that the chn have and trying to fill them.

The outcome of the week was quite up and down. There has been a timetable change and I have been moving into a new house.

What I will do to make sure that my math lessons are all organised is to write in the maths modelling books first before any other.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Observation Week 5

The children have got their writing books and they are set on the table.

On the active board is an example letter which was written and the teacher reads it. The children are asked to look for key features that are missing. There is some discussion around why certain key information is important to be included in the letter.

The teacher sets expectations around sitting at their desks and working quietly. The consequences are set for being too noisy. The timer is set and children walk off to do their work.

Teacher roams classroom to make sure people that people are doing their jobs

Tchng Group:
Assisting the chn in having the right set up and including the key features.

What I would like to carry out in my class:

-After morning tea the chn are to come in get their writing book and sit on the floor, ready for writing.

- I would like to have a completed piece of writing and get chn to pick apart the key features and look at what is missing
-In my group tumbles I want to talk about the key features of a genre a lot deeper and assist the chn in using them. I am hoping this focused learning will assist in the chn understanding the concepts a lot better.