Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Term One Reflection

Yay!!!! I have officially made my first term as a teacher, what a ride. I have experienced so many things. There were many highs and many lows but have learned a plethora of things and I am blessed with a wonderful group of kids. The thing that I have enjoyed the most is growing with my students. Nothing beats the relationships that you form with them, they love me unconditionally as I do them. I enjoy getting up everyday because I know, no matter what happens, I get to hang out with them. Things that I have found hard this term is getting started. University did not prepare me for the things that I encountered such as planning, resources, testing and working with low level children. I have had my victories which has given me faith in my ability, even when it doesn't seem so at the time. I have managed to transform a group of boys into responsible, caring and helpful young people. I have also taken children with low literacy skills to move up a stage or two. The thing that I will take from this term is this; building relationships is the most important part of teaching.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Putting my Flipchart Skills to the test

From the Active Board session on Thursday last week I have create a flip chart incorporating the Magic Number Wall and grids. Also, I have noticed that the time to make flip charts is decreasing as I find my way around the program.

The chn benefit as they can interact with the magic wall and drag numbers in front of their peers.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Active Board PD 11.4

Things that we learned about:

We are looking at the transparency tool and how you can use it.
-having different layers on top of a picture and get the chn to guess what it is. Move pictures away until you can see the pic.

How to put pictures in a box.
-using the camera tool (point to point) and putting items in a box.

-making 3D shapes for maths (using the connecter tool)

The magic number wall
-having two numbers together but they are different colours. You can see the green number on a black background but not on the green page and vise versa

Extracting text
-clicking on the text and it duplicates it. In the tool browser and apply changes.

Magic Ink
-can reveal objects that are hidden

Creating Pull on Tabs
-Having text that you can pull onto the page. The text is written on a shape.

Hovering Shapes
-When the pen hovers over the shapes and the label appears. Access labels through the property browser

Area Screen Recorder
-We can record stories etc on them.

-Placing a video into Active Inspire and taking photo's for chn to interact with.
-We can also draw or annotate over the top of the pictures we have shot.

-Writing text or placing objects on top of another object and they a permanently grouped. This can be done before hand so that the chn can use it. 
-Click on an object, look in property browser and look for containers. 

-Using them to create graphs etc. 

A lot to think about this session. I am going to create a flipchart for the team this week using the Magic Number Wall and Pull on tabs.


Monday, 8 April 2013

Observation Week 10

Week 10

This week I have looked at reading activities that target the lack of letter-sound knowledge. 

As I walked in the children were doing spelling; voicing the sound and writing it on their white boards. They then moved onto reading. One group was working with the teacher, one group in the library corner and one group on word games.

I was most interested in how the word games develop word recognition and language. The children were matching the picture to the letter sound. The extension of these games are where children match the words with the word chart.

I am going to organise some word matching and phonic games for my lower children to help them with their word, sound and letter recognition. 

Observation Notes Week 8

This week I am focusing on maths activities when the children are away from teacher.

When I arrived to the class room the children were already under way doing their work. The activities that were going on were computers, active board, maths games and a follow up activity. 

Each group has their own games box, the children on the follow up activity were using the camera and the children on computers could also work on the active board. 

When the teacher sends the children from the mat she spends like 1 minute with the group on games to make sure they know how to play the game and roams the room to make sure groups are on task. 

A question to ask the teacher; how do the children know what game they are playing? 

From this observation I think I would like to get a box for each group to put games which will save time. I want to ask her for some active board activities so that children can use the active board. Also I would like to roam the class to make sure everyone else on task before I work with a group.