Saturday, 9 August 2014

Rita Pierson: Every Kid Need a Champion

This video really aroused a feeling within me to stand out and be better! I believe that everybody needs a champion, so do our kids. Why do I turn up to work everyday?? My Kids! They give me the motivation to be better, to strive to be the best and to make a difference. Even though I am only a second year I offer something else other than expertise, a cheerleader, a sense of belief, a champion! Even though the kids don't say it, I know the chn appreciate me. The fact they are grateful when I return from PD or a sick day, the fact they leave me little notes, the fact they choose to sit with me instead of their friends and quietly play, I know I am doing my job.

Rita Pierson hit it on the head, chn won't learn from people they won't like. Even though we might not like every child, we choose to hide it and act as if everything is ok. I have found in my experience that the chn I don't like are the ones that give me the most satisfaction when the relationship is strong. You tend to work on those relationships the most which results in the most encouraging and motivating relationships to be in.

Can we learn to build good relationships or is it just 'IN YOU' to do it. Rita quotes Steven Covey and says that you need to just throw in some simple things like apologising when you get something wrong. You need to first understand before being understood. I believe that chn need to see that you are human just like them. The only way they will see is if you let them know how you're feeling like disappointment, frustration, anger, embarrassment, happiness, joy, proud etc.

To be an educator we need to remember that it's not all about academics, that success comes in different forms. Rita states that we get chn we don't like, we work with people we don't like, we listen to policy we don't like and we turn up when we don't feel like it but we turn up anyway. Relationships are much more powerful than we realise. Our jobs are difficult but nothing is impossible.

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